Laurence Burton
Laurence is passionate about wild edible and medicinal plants from Quebec and elsewhere. She is the author of the book Un goût de forêt: Identifier, récolter et régénérer les plantes comestibles du Québec, published by Éditions de l'Homme. While working as an Indigenous lawyer, she travelled to various communities in Northern Quebec where she discovered the beauty of the boreal forest. She also travelled around the world to discover the local uses of wild plants. Through her work, she now wishes to transmit her passion to the next generation.
Jean-Philippe Leclerc
Since childhood he has been interested in flora and fauna. He also enjoyed watching his parents and grandmother cook. Now a chef by trade, he has worked in several notable restaurants in the Quebec City area. Everything interests him: mycology, wild plants, hunting and fishing. It was during his expeditions in the forest that he ignited his love for cooking in the wild. It probably all started with a simple fish on the open fire, but he feels something indescribable when he immerses himself in the elements of nature: the spontaneity, the raw, authentic experience of cooking on a fire, with an urge to keep returning to the land. It’s especially thrilling when he prepares game or fish that he catches himself, and serves them with a full accompaniment of his other wild gatherings
Performance Archerie
With over 10 years of experience in the field of competitive archery, Jérémie Aubé decided to found Performance Archerie. The company offers specialized services and quality products to beginner, intermediate and advanced archers—as well as coaching, tuning and sales of specialized archery equipment.
Whether you want to increase your chances for success in the next hunting season or improve your competitive performance, trust Performance Archerie for the coaching you need.
Caudale Fly Fishing
Caudale is a reference in the field of fly fishing. We have forged our reputation with this introductory course in the wilderness, offering a fresh approach. With the growing interest in fly fishing, we have developed a recognized expertise with our advanced workshops for all types of fly fishers. Always open to new experiences, we have a reputation for fly fishing all possible species of fish, in all circumstances. We believe that being a fly fisher is a way of life and it’s always evolving. The values of our school: learn, train, evolve, promote.
Patryck Bernier
LAB45º's founder and manager— Patryck is our merry maestro. Raised by fly fishing enthusiasts, Patryck was quickly drawn down the path of adventure. At the age of 12, he was introduced to hare hunting with trained beagles. This was all it took for him to begin a constant search for different ways to commune with nature. Today, as the head of Dizzle Entertainment, an event agency specializing in action sports and adventure events, he has created Lab45º to bring together many of his personal interests on a modern platform and share them with the public. All of his know-how finds a privileged space of expression here. The guy who is always in demand on the walkie-talkie—that's him
Jean-Phillipe Desormiers
A seasoned bowhunter, gatherer and a fascinated tracker, Jean-Philippe has developed numerous specialized training courses related to survival in the forest. He never stops advancing his skills in this field—acquired during more than 20 years of outdoor adventures, hunting and fishing. A natural collaborator, he contributes to the project as a business development consultant and bowhunting instructor. Through the world of LAB45°, he wants to transmit his enthusiasm and share his knowledge with as many people as possible.
Ryan Bergeron
He knows all about adventure expeditions. Ryan lives in Whistler and hunts and fishes in the high mountains of the West—from salmon rivers, to Fraser River sturgeon, mule deer and elk habitats, this is where he thrives. His experience has informed the development of our archery hunting scenarios. He has shown great ingenuity in maximizing the realism of our bowhunting course—helping participants experience the closest thing to the reality of the hunt. At the heart of Lab45º's logistics you will find Ryan.
Josiane Bétit
Call her mother nature! Since the beginning, Josiane has been closely involved in the conception and implementation of Lab45º. Jovial and unifying, she is the strong female presence of the project. Having been introduced to fishing by her grandfather at a very young age, she is especially interested in the project's gathering and wilderness cooking components, which suit her epicurean temperament. With her expertise in communications and event management, her mission is to make this new adventure laboratory known and adored.
Jean Francois Boily
Jean-Francois Boily learned outdoor cooking as a canoe expedition guide. He has also assisted several personalities in Quebec gastronomical culture with their publishing and television projects. Jean-François has a background in literature and translation, but has always been close to the restaurant business. A daily cook for his own large family, he is interested in all aspects of food. He is currently starting a social enterprise in Stoneham that promotes food autonomy and local production. He arrived at Lab45º by a happy professional coincidence, and contributes to the wilderness cooking activities with his dynamism, knowledge and profound love of nature.